getting back to my "roots".... these are some illustrations I did on wood panels with ink. It has been nice to get back to some of the old school techniques from college.
I noticed a new mural the other day while on the corner of Haight & Steiner Streets - The mural on the right was painted by Doze Green, one of my favorite "street artists" - his career started in the subways of New York City in the 7o's. This piece is over 15 feet tall and is said to represent the goddess serving to protect and guide.
Inspiration:n. A sudden exciting thought, Divine guidance and motivation imparted directly. (to be inspired)
On any given day, at any given time, we can look around us and find something that intrigues us, makes us look twice, gives us an idea. Sometimes we are not inspired enough - other times - too much.
With a background in scientific illustration, Melissa Wagner's work uses a variety of methods and media to engage the natural world and illuminate its earthly remnants.