Saturday, November 29, 2008

Salk Institute

Last weekend I was in San Diego for work and paid a visit to the Salk Institute in La Jolla. The institute is housed in a modernist complex, designed by Louis Kahn. The structure consists of two symmetric buildings with a stream of water flowing in the middle of a courtyard that separates the two. The buildings themselves have been designed to promote collaboration, and therefore have no walls separating laboratories on any floor. Apparently Salk had sought to make a beautiful campus in order to draw the best researchers in the world - I think he probably succeeded!

"Hope lies in dreams, in imagination and in the courage of those who
dare to make dreams into reality"

Sunday, November 16, 2008

a beautiful day in san francisco

This past weekend in San Francisco was absolutely beautiful. It's days like these that make me very fortunate to live here, especially when it's snowing back in Michigan... Walking along the Embarcadero has always been one of my favorite pastimes, the views never get old.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Richard Serra

Today I came upon some pictures I took about a year ago while celebrating my 30th birthday in New York City that I felt were worth sharing.... I was walking past the MoMA and saw the dis-assembly of the Richard Serra show (which I had seen a few months previous). Seeing the giant minimalist sculptures out of context, being lifted by huge cranes was really quite beautiful.
(Serra is a sculptor (born in San Francisco!) that is best known for working with large sheets of CorTen steel.)